
Newsletter 3 – NY Slush Italian Cannoli Ice

Cannoli Italian Ice

NY Slush Cannoli Italian Ice

HOT, HOT, HOT!!!  On hot days like this i think about cooling down with a NY Slush Cannoli Ice or a nice Italian Lemon Ice.

What a scorcher it was today in New York City!  These past couple of weeks have been way too hot for me.  I have the A/C cranked up to the ‘meat locker’ setting in my house.  I am so grateful to be nice and cool. 
When I was a kid, air conditioning was a luxury.  I got my first hand-me-down air conditioner when I was eighteen years old. That’s only because my parents upgraded their A/C.  lol! For so many of us, a fan and a cool washcloth on your forehead or around your neck was the only relief from the heat.  So much has changed since then in so many ways.  I’m sure you will all agree.

Lazy Days and the Neastea Plunge

For me, most of the lazy hot days of summer were spent splashing around in a kiddie pool in my grandmother’s backyard.  The pools grew larger as I grew older.  I remember goofing around with friends and re-enacting the ‘Nestea Plunge’ from the Nestea Iced Tea commercial back in the seventies.  So much fun!  After all the afternoon fun was had, my friends and I gathered our things and closed the pool until next time. Either my mother or grandmother would bring us frozen treats to enjoy while we sat drying off on lounge chairs before we headed home.

When I had my own children, a pool was part of their summers also.  Kids + Water = Fun! So many great memories that always bring smiles to our faces when we reminisce about those days.
A nice frosty drink will do the trick when you are overheated. It will cool you doen really fast. I have created my own original frozen recipe – Tessa’s New York Slush Italian Ice.  If this newsletter was forwarded to you by a friend who obviously cares about you very much, get your own free subscription to my FREE newsletter at

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